Right to citizenship

Filipinos, like other immigrants present in Italy, are interested in the draft law on citizenship. A friend of Latin American origin, Zaria Galiano, alerted us to an article.
The article in the June 20 on IlFattoQuotidiano.it/Blog/di Andrew Viola, of which we give the middle part, explaining the Bill in a very simple way. We hope to open a debate with your comments.
The three (3) categories of obtained citzenships
"To date, the latest reform on citizenship (1992) provides a single capture mode called Ius sanguinis (Latin," right of blood "), or a child is Italian if at least one of the parents is Italian. A child born of foreign parents, although born in Italian territory, can apply for citizenship only after 18 years and up until that time had resided in Italy "legally and uninterruptedly.
We add that after completing the 18 years he has only one year to get the Italian nationality.
"This law, which is the subject of the current reform, has long been considered lacking because it excludesthe several years by tens of thousands of children born and living in Italy, tying their situation to that of parents (whose permit meanwhile may expire and forcing the family to leave the country).
The new law introduces two new policies to get citizenship before the age of 18 years, namely jus soli ("right linked to the territory") tempered and Ius Cultureand ("right tied to education").
What is meant by Ius soli category? It means that citizenship is not gained or acquired simply with the birth in Italy (as in America) but instead that a child born in Italy automatically become Italian if at least one of the parents is legally present in Italy for at least 5 years.
The parent, in possession of a residence permit, does not come from the European Union, should join other three parameters, namely: 1) must have an income of not less than the annual amount of social allowance; 2) must have a property which meets the eligibility requirements provided for by law; 3) must pass a test of knowledge of Italian language. This introduces a right of citizenship linked to income and force immigrants to declare an income greater than the real one, relying on the help of interested or disinterested by employers.
The other way to obtain citizenship is that of the so-called Ius culture. Foreign children born in Italy or arrived within the 12 years that have attended Italian schools for at least five years and passed at least one education cycle (i.e. elementary or middle school can apply for Italian citizenship). The boys were born abroad but arriving in Italy between 12 and 18 years old to get citizenship after having lived in Italy for at least six years and have passed a school section.
The reform on citizenship was adopted at the end of 2015: the Chamber of Deputies voted against Forza Italia, Lega Nord and brothers of Italy; the 5 stars had abstained. Now the Bill must pass the Senate Chamber, where the refrain is ' no ' vote. So it is unlikely that the Bill on citizenship has been approved by the senate.
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