Further Advance Amidst the Threat of US-Duterte’s Regime of Annihilating the Revolutionary Movement!
Repost of Redspark article of the same title
by Ka Norsen ManggubatSpokespersonCPP-NCMR
reposted by Belarmino D. Saguing

The Communist Party of the Philippines–North Central Mindanao Region (CPP-NCMR) lauds the revolutionary forces and the people of their accomplishments for 2017 in proliferating its recruitment, expanding its mass base, in launching mass campaigns and furthering the advance of the region’s armed struggle.
In the span of one year, the number of barrios encompassed by the movement increased by 17%. Similarly, the population of new members of the organized masses rose by 21% from last year’s figure. Units of the people’s militias, meanwhile, have gained 7% within our countryside barrios. On the other hand, the legal-democratic mass movement continue to advance amidst the martial law and other state fascism.
At the same time, we have implemented around 22 batches of mass movements, in implementing agrarian revolution and other mass struggles for their rights to land, livelihood, decent living, and the like. Six of these were barrio-wide, 14 were inter-barrio-wide and two inter-municipality-wide benefitting thousands of families. While the legal-democratic mass movement had been active in the Lakbayan ng Pambansang Minorya in achoing Lumad and Moro issues and in Baktas BTL in asserting the rights of the peasants to land.
In the military field, the New People’s Army (NPA) in NCMR triumphantly shared its part in dismantling the enemy’s political power. Within the year, 131 NPA-led military offensives were initiated in the region. Meanwhile, it has endured ten defensive actions against the enemy. Overall, the enemy inflicted 250 casualties, 141 being killed-in-action (KIA) and 109 wounded-in-action (WIA). On the other hand, 12 NPA members offered their lives as revolutionary martyrs while 15 suffered wounds from the firefight. Added to the arsenal of the people’s army are 107 rifles seized after successful NPA actions.

In the ideological field, we have initiated Party education courses despite widespread attacks by the reactionary state. In sum, we have launched 43 batches of the Basic Party Course translating to 49% of the whole Party membership having completed this course. Seven batches of Intermediate Party Course and two batches of the Advanced Party Courses were also launched.
With these gains and losses, we had overcome recruiting revolutionaries from the above movements. NPA personnel have increased by 9% as compared from the previous year. Party membership also rose by 13%.
Our Party has proven the fertile revolutionary situation in the region in fostering mass struggles against land grabbing from the peasantry, contractualization, against the brutal war against drugs, against state terrorism and the Oplan Kapayapaan of the US-Duterte regime. By setting the proper guidance in planning and the revolutionary hard work, the movement can strengthen even more. With the scheme of looming dictatorship by the fascist US-Duterte regime, the people’s clamor against exploitation and oppression will resound, the revolutionary movement is ever ready to resist such dictatorship.
Long live the 49th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines!
Long live the New People’s Army!
Long live the National Democratic Front!