The murder of an innocent

Kian, a 17 year old student, a son of OFW Lorenza de los Santos was killed during an alleged police anti-drug operation in Barangay 160 in Caloocan City on Wednesday Aug. 18, 2017. According to some witness, He was walking towards his home after closing the family store a few steps from their house, when he was apprehended by policemen who were engaged in an anti-drug operation in the neighborhood.
Murder, not resistance to arrest
Delos Santos, whom police tagged as a drug courier, was shot dead last Wednesday when he allegedly resisted arrest in Barangay 160, Caloocan. CCTV footage and witnesses accounts said Delos Santos was mauled and dragged by policemen to a dark place, there, they make him kneel. Cops fatally shot Delos Santos at a dead end surrounded by cement walls in Caloocan City on August 16, after they dragged him through dark, winding alleys.
PAO conducted a re-autopsy of Delos Santos' remains on Monday, August 21, and the findings, said Acosta, are sufficient to file murder charges against the cops. according to PAO's forensic experts. When questioned if Kian was on the druglist, it turns out to be negative. Kian iwas not included in the list of persons suspected of being a user or a pusher It appears that the child was set up to cover the murder of the police and justify the killing.
One of the fatal wounds is considered treacherous, Acosta added. In legal terms, a treacherous wound is inflicted by the assailant to ensure execution. The treachery can be cited as an aggravating circumstance in the filing of murder charges.
The forensic report tells a different story from the police narrative of "fouht back" or the subject resisted and fought back.
According to the spot report of Caloocan policeman PO3 Arnel Oares, he and colleagues PO1 Jerwin Cruz, PO1 Jeremias Pereda, and a civilian informant walked through the alleys to conduct the raid, identifying themselves as cops.
Oares said that as they reached the end of a path, shots were fired from their left side.
Oares identified Delos Santos as the one who fired the shots. The cop said he chased after the teenager and was "prompted" to retaliate, firing the shots that killed Delos Santos.
But an eyewitness said cops gave Delos Santos the gun and coerced him to fire it. Kian was also heard pleading to the cops to let him go beacause he has examinations t the school on the morrow.
We condemn and hold accountable the Philippine National Police, Kian’s cold-blooded murderers, who have long been given license by no less than Duterte himself to conduct an unbridled killing spree. Duterte has launched a full scale use of state violence against the people that has resulted in countless human rights violations, the terrorizing of communities and extrajudicial killings under the guise of his government’s notorious war on drugs.
The RRD regime has only succeeded in painting itself as killer regime, anti-people and outright liar. In its effort to project an appearance of attending to the peace and order needs of the country, it launched a bloody program of killing the penniless street drug users while cuddling the big time (and therefore rich). They killed our children denying them completely of their right to defend themselves because they are already dead and demonize them by presenting paid or coersed false witnesses.
It is no longer a question of true or false because they murdered the truth along with the victims.

The people is awakening and begin to see the evil effects of this War on Drug fanned by expletives, rhetorics and exhortations of rewards for killing.
Justice for Kian!
Stop the killings!!!
War on Drugs within the frame of law!
End impunity!
No to state Terrorism!