STATEMENT | Martial Law declaration flouts peace processes, rejects lessons of history. DICHIARAZION
Statement by Sowing the Seeds of Peace in Mindanao originally posted in...

Declaration of Martial Law in Mindanao. (traduzione sotto)
PRESIDENT Rodrigo Duterte has no or little justification to declare martial law in the whole of Mindanao, National Democratic Front of...

STANDPOINT| Flickers of hope amidst gloom. PUNTO DI VISTA | Barlumi di speranza in mezzo alle tenebr
The Comprehensive Agreement on Socio-economic Reforms (CASER) is the main substantive agenda item at hand in the current peace talks...

Presentazione di “Notizie dalle Filippine”. Presentation of "News from the Philippines
Il 3 maggio 2016 dei compagni italiani e filippini hanno fondato il Comitato di Amicizia per i Diritti Umani nelle Filippine. Lo scopo...

A bishop arrested by military in southern Philippines. Un vescovo arrestato dai militari nelle Filip
On May 11, 2017, at around 6pm, Bishop Carlo Morales the Iglesia Filipino Independiente (IFI) NDFP consultant Rommel Salinas,), public...